Usually, businesses hire shop agencies to create an online shop. However, after what is likely to be a relatively poor investment, the agency’s job is already done. As for your business, though, it hasn’t sold a single item.
Next, you have to optimise your shop for Google (SEO), implement Search Engine Advertising (SEA), and thus, boost its traffic. Additionally, you have to operate the entire backend, answer your customers’ queries, invoice and dispatch the goods ordered via the shop, not forgetting possible returns, which must be accepted and credited quickly.
If you want to operate the whole thing for your home market as well as Germany, then the complexity of running a D2C eCommerce business increases exponentially. Things become even trickier if you wish to expand your products internationally, as you’ll need to bear in mind multiple languages, different VAT rates, customs regulations, and even outside the EU.
We make sure your internet shop is the way you want it to be, that the costs are manageable and that D2C sales remain cost-effective in the long run.
Our all-in-one D2C eCommerce platform takes care of it all. And, just so you know, we don’t merely set up your online shop, we’re your long-term D2C partner, and we’ll walk with you until you see generated turnover.
We’d love to answer any further questions you may have in an initial, no-obligation meeting Alternatively, you can find detailed answers on our Q&A page.