
Your Premier National and International D2C Partner

Sell D2C (Direct to Customer/Consumer) on all online marketplaces relevant to your products plus your own online shop. As a D2C digital eCommerce partner, we drive the sales, take care of the complete processing and ensure that you remain profitable.


With Germany, you can take advantage of the largest eCommerce market in the EU.


WE Are D2C

Let Us Manage Your D2C eCommerce Strategy Across All Sales Channels

The crisis that began in spring 2020 has shown that even A and B brands need to be present online. Only if you, as a brand, sell to end customers yourself and sensibly coordinate your eCommerce strategy with your other distribution channels, can online D2C sales succeed profitably for your brand.


At the beginning of our partnership, we’ll show you ingenious eCommerce strategies strategies, tailored to the very specific needs of your brand.

Your Brand World in Your Online Shop

Your brand’s online shop is a central part of your D2C activities. Here you give your brand and its products sufficient space to show your customers the entire range.


Thanks to our coordinated and optimised digital marketing measures, we connect your brand and products to the consumer. In this way, you build up your own customer relationships with a targeted approach.


With numerous payment, logistics and customer communication options, we ensure that your D2C online shop gets noticed and operates effectively for the best user experience.

See Your Product Ranges on All Online Marketplaces Relevant to Your Brand

D2C eCommerce isn’t just an online shop. As a brand, you should be present on all applicable platforms on the web. Seventy per cent of all online sales take place internationally on the likes of Amazon and eBay or, in Germany, on Otto, Kaufland, Zalando and many other marketplaces.


Not only this, but some relevant marketplaces exist outside of Germany, which you may never have heard of, some being market leaders in their home countries far ahead of the global eCommerce corporations and are, therefore, essential for your D2C activities.

THeCommerce Handles the Entire Sales Process for You

Boasting extensive experience as a D2C partner since the start of the noughties, for your peace of mind, we take care of the selling side of things for you. Our eCommerce services include setup, listing, logistics to the end customer and possible returns, invoicing and credit note creation, not to mention client-oriented customer support via all possible communication channels.


Rest assured, we’re top sellers and meet the highest service levels of the various marketplaces.

1:1 Jour Fixes, Standardised Turnover Reporting and Consolidated Pay-Out

We assign you to a personal Success Manager at THeCommerce for everything related to your eCommerce activities and direct to consumer model. Your Success Manager then meets with you regularly to discuss the activities for the coming months.


So that you stay on track, our BI and reporting provide the correct KPIs, meaning we can make the right decisions together to scale your D2C sales.


Every month, you receive a clear and easy-to-understand sales report summarising all D2C sales channels used, evidently showing all revenues and costs, according to which we pay out.

Your D2C Sales Will Finally Be More Profitable!

With the sheer number of different sales channels available on the market, the necessary processes of a D2C sale are becoming more and more complex. What’s more, eCommerce expertise isn’t readily available in today’s employment market. The professional organisation of the entire D2C sales process costs a lot of money and requires an immeasurable amount of experience.


Happily, we boast an exceptional level of eCommerce know-how and are up-to-date in all aspects, not to mention efficient and organised.


Over 100 employees stand behind THeCommere with well over 20 years of experience. Our proficient and cost-optimised system ensures that D2C sales remain lucrative for you as a brand.

Brands Have Various Questions About D2C and THeCommerce, Your D2C eCommerce Partner


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